Cycas Investment Advisors

Elevate Your Wealth, Empower Your Future

Strategic Investments Tailored to Your Goals

What We Offer


Personal Investment Management

Tailored investment strategies for your financial goals. Diversified portfolios, proactive monitoring, transparent communication.

Wealth Management

Our wealth management approach involves strategic asset allocation to optimize returns while managing risk according to your individual preferences and circumstances.

Treasury & Endowment Management

Strategic stewardship of treasury and endowment assets for lasting financial sustainability

Estate & Legacy Planning

With an emphasis on customization and foresight, our estate planning solutions are tailored to your specific needs and goals, providing a roadmap for the seamless transfer of wealth and the preservation of your unique legacy.

About Us

Cycas Investment Advisors is a SEBI Registered Investment Advisory Firm (INA200013017) that provides wealth management services, including portfolio advisory and tax planning, to high net-worth individuals. Independent advice and a fiduciary responsibility are the core tenants of Cycas’ offerings. Risk and return, and their interactions, are thought of a the portfolio level and targeted asset allocations are used to achieve client-specific objectives.

Cycas Investment Advisors strictly adheres to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Information required by the SEBI (Investment Advisors) Regulations, 2020, can be found here.

Welcome to Our Website

Data For Month Ending -

Sr. No. Received From Pending at the end of last month Received Resolved Total Pending # Complaints Pending > 3 Months Average Resolution Time^ (Days)
1 Directly from Investors 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 SEBI (SCORES) 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Other Sources (if any) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
^ Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month.
Compliance Audit Status Table

Compliance Audit Status for Investment Advisers

Sr. No. Financial Year Compliance Audit Status Remarks, if any
1 FY 2020-21 Conducted NA
2 FY 2021-22 Conducted NA
3 FY 2022-23 Conducted NA
4 FY 2023-24 Conducted NA